You Motherclucker: Fried Chicken in Films and Television
Robert Pratley looks at the impact of the South’s best export in film and TV
Robert Pratley looks at the impact of the South’s best export in film and TV
Harry Hipperson reviews Better Call Saul’s sixth and final season!
The fifth series of Breaking Bad’s spin-off series is here, but what does Conor think of it?
Ahead of Better Call Saul’s fifth season, Callum Nelmes looks back on the unexpected Breaking Bad spin-off from last year.
Send in the clowns…Film Editor Joe picks out what must-see films you should be watching this month.
The film project will be written and possibly directed by series creator Vince Gilligan.
September is in the books. Culture Editor Ellis appraises the month’s releases.
Breaking Bad turned 10 earlier this year. Culture Editor Ellis dives back in to explain why its a show that everyone needs to watch.
Joe Williams reviews the “intense” and “beautiful” opening episode of the Breaking Bad spin-off’s fourth season.
Sam Law reviews as Breaking Bad’s slippery lawyer returns for this third solo season.
RJ Mitte would consider returning to play Walter White Jr – if the script was right.
The Edge writers are on hand to suggest shows to binge for the remainder of the holidays, in this week’s Closer To The Edge
Square Enix and Sony Pictures debut a new trailer for their upcoming Final Fantasy XV tie in movie.
Carly-May Kavanagh says what she would have for her perfect Netflix marathon.