A strong candidate for the best episode of Game of Thrones yet, 'The Winds of Winter' perfectly rounded out what has been a phenomenal season; whilst also expertly setting up the show's endgame.
Spoilers Ahead!
David Benioff and D.B. Weiss must have known that they would be up against it with this season’s tenth and final episode, ‘The Winds of Winter’. Just last week, they provided us with what many are saying was the best hour of television history, ‘The Battle of the Bastards’ – so to satiate the fans after such an enthralling finale was always going to be a difficult task. However, they have passed it with flying colours; in fact, I think this just may be the best Game of Thrones episode of all time…
Right from the get-go this episode was all business, jam-packed with narrative progression, excellent character moments, and some phenomenal directing. In the case of the latter, look no further than the opening 20 minutes.
Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) infamously proclaimed back in Season 1: “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die”. This has been the show’s mantra for so long now – but in this episode, it comes face to face with Cersei herself. So what does she do? She decides to utterly demolish the game. The trial of Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones), in front of both his father Mace (Roger Ashton-Griffiths) and his sister Margaery (Natalie Dormer), is incredibly powerful. He finally breaks from the brutal and systematic torture of the Faith, confessing to his ‘crimes’ in front of the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce). But all the while, Cersei’s sinister plan begins to unfold. As Cersei’s loyal and sadistic servant Qyburn (Anton Lesser) lures Pycelle (Julian Glover) into his little birds’ nest to his death, the realisation of a greater scheme sets in. Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) is confined to his room by Cersei’s muscle, Ser Gregor (Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson), with the great Sept looming in the background as proceedings there began to become more unnerving. Lancel (Eugene Simon) is sent to retrieve Cersei, but finds himself lured into her trap to helplessly witness it first hand: Wildfire, and a lot of it. His agonizing crawl towards the slowly ticking time bomb of destruction was beautifully cross-edited, as in the Sept Margaery realises what is happening, and in the Red Keep Cersei, clad in black, watches eagerly for her plan to pay off. And pay off it did. In an image reflective of demons rising from hell, the wildfire consumes the Sept and all those within, including Margaery and the High Sparrow – perhaps Cersei’s greatest enemies, culled in one swift blow. Cersei has won, and now she has the Iron Throne. Her imprisonment of Septa Unella (Hannah Waddingham) is just the cherry on the top of her victory.But on top of this, she did manage to lose her son. One victory meant one huge loss. Tommen was always just a boy in a man’s game, and he simply could never win; in the end, he took the easy way out when he saw no more hope. But Cersei seems to show little remorse for her son, even as the ominous prophecy delivered to her as a child fulfills itself once again – but more on that a little later.
Credit must also go to the outstanding score from Ramin Djawadi, which perfectly matched the episode’s visuals. Starting with a soft piano melody, the music kept building and building, until the full orchestra crashed in as the wildfire erupted. It was the thread that held this sequence together, the linear editing meshing beautifully with it. Utterly breathtaking filmmaking.

Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner), Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) and the aftermath of ‘The Battle of the Bastards’. [Image via IMDb].
The inspirational and fist punching-ly triumphant recreation of the King in the North scene of the close of Season 1 sets up Jon for what is to come – especially given the much speculated and finally confirmed theory that he is the son of Lyanna, not Ned, Stark. But it’s a twist in the tale that means nothing unless Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) can reach him south of the Wall, again posing that all important question: Will the Starks ever reunite? With Arya (Maisie Williams) back on the shores of Westeros (side note: that was a badass and glorious victory killing for the Stark girl), the Stark family seems to be almost back to full force.

Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), along with Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) and Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) en route to Westeros. [Image via watchersonthewall.com].
Elsewhere, Sam’s (John Bradley) moment in the Oldtown library is a nice little personal victory for the character, as all he has ever wanted was to read, study and use his brains over his brawn. Lady Olenna (Diana Rigg) finally does what everyone has wanted for two years now, in succeeding to make Dorne actually interesting. We have a tender moment for Benjen (Joseph Mawle), as he informs Bran of his inability to pass back into the world of the living, but vows he will still fight for them; a bittersweet moment for the forgotten ranger. But he also, more intriguingly, mentioned that the White Walkers cannot enter Westeros because of the magic worked into the foundations of the wall… Will we see the collapse of the wall in Season Seven? And last but not least, Lyanna Mormont (Bella Ramsey) continues to be the most badass Lord or Lady in all Seven Kingdoms.
This was a perfect episode of Game of Thrones, and a perfect season finale. It tied up the threads of Season Six perfectly, all whilst setting up the endgame expertly. It really feels like we are coming to the final stage of what has been building for the past six seasons; and it’s gonna be epic.
Game of Thrones Season Six has now finished but is available on Now TV. Check out the ‘Inside the Episode’ feature for ‘The Winds of Winter’ below.